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Hochzeitseinladungen: Von „Safe The Date“ Bis Zum Antwortkärtchen 

  • By Michael Smith
  • 01 Jan, 2019

Hochzeitseinladungen: Von „Safe The Date“ Bis Zum Antwortkärtchen 

„Ja, ich will“, mit dieser Antwort nach der Frage „Willst du mich heiraten“ beginnt eine Zeit der Planung und der Einladungen. Denn in der Regel lädt jeder, der heiraten möchte, Gäste ein, um den schönsten Tag im Leben mit diesen zu teilen. Während in vielen Bereichen E-Mails, SMS oder WhatsApp gesendet und akzeptiert werden, so ist das bei einer Hochzeit eher nicht angebracht. Hier wird noch immer auf das gute alte Papier wertgelegt und das sofern möglich, mit einer persönlichen Note.


Der Termin steht – „Save the Date“-Karten


Kurz nach dem Heiratsantrag oder dem Entschluss, in den Stand der Ehe einzutreten, steht die Festlegung des Termins an. Erst dann wenn dieser feststeht, ist es möglich, alles Weitere zu planen. Durch die Hochzeitseinladungen wird der Termin amtlich und die Gäste werden über den großen gemeinsamen Tag informiert.


Damit die Gäste sich diesen Termin im Kalender vermerken können, ist es ratsam, sogenannte „Save the Date“-Karten zu versenden. Bei diesen Karten handelt es sich noch nicht um die eigentliche Hochzeitseinladung, sondern nur um eine Art „Vor“-Einladungskarte. Darauf ist neben dem Datum der Hochzeit auch der Ort vermerkt sowie die Bitte um Rückmeldung. Wer möchte, der kann ein Foto aufdrucken lassen. Am besten werden diese Karten bereits lange vor der eigentlichen Hochzeit versendet, damit die Gäste rechtzeitig Bescheid wissen Vienna.


Die Hochzeitseinladung – das gilt es zu beachten


Bei den späteren Einladungen zur Hochzeit sollte darauf geachtet werden, dass etwas dickeres Papier verwendet wird. Denn dadurch machen die Karten einen hochwertigeren Eindruck und sind robuster. Was die Farben angeht, so sind dem Brautpaar keinerlei Grenzen gesetzt. Wer sich bei der Schrift für eine Art Gravur entscheidet, der sollte zuvor mit der Druckerei absprechen, welches dafür das passende Papier ist.


Versendet werden sollten die Einladungen rund drei Monate vor dem Hochzeitstermin und diese gehen nur an die Gäste, die auf „Save the Date“ zugesagt haben oder diejenigen die später noch der Gästeliste hinzugefügt wurden. Je länger die Karten im Voraus an die Gäste verschickt werden, desto höher ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass alle Gäste Zeit haben und an dem großen Tag teilhaben.


Die Gestaltung der Hochzeitskarten


Ein Stück Papier, alle wichtigen Informationen drauf, ab in den Umschlag und damit fertig. Leider nein, denn ganz so einfach ist es nicht. Denn bei der Gestaltung der Einladungen sind der Fantasie keine Grenzen gesetzt. Zum einen ist da das Design, bei dem es unzähligen Variationen gibt und ein jedes Brautpaar sollte das Design finden, dass den eigenen Wünschen und Ideen entspricht. Für den großen Tag wählen die meisten Brautpaare ein Motto, das sich dann ebenfalls durch die Feierlichkeiten zieht. Dabei kann es sich zum Beispiel um eine Vintage-Hochzeit handeln oder um eine Farbwelt. Eben auf dieses Motto wird die Dekoration der Hochzeit ausgerichtet und ebenfalls das Design der Einladungskarte. Entscheidet sich das Brautpaar für ein Motto oder eine Farbe, dann fällt die Auswahl er Karte wesentlich einfacher Vienna.


Die Einladungskarte – erste Tipps

Grundsätzlich gehören auf die Einladungskarte die wichtigsten Informationen zur Hochzeit, die für die Gäste relevant sind. Doch auch optisch sollten sie einen ersten Einblick auf die anstehende Hochzeit geben. Bei den wichtigen Daten handelt es sich um fuenf typische W-Fragen:


  • Wer?
  • Wann?
  • Wo?
  • Warum?
  • Wie?


Um Missverständnisse zu vermeiden ist es ebenfalls wichtig, dass die Gäste der Einladung entnehmen können, wann die Trauung stattfindet, wann die Hochzeitsfeier startet und zu welchen Zeitpunkt sie erwartet werden. Des Weiteren gibt es noch individuelle Informationen, Hochzeitskarten die das Brautpaar auf der Einladung vermerken kann, je nach eigenem Belieben. Dabei kann es sich beispielsweise um den Hinweis handeln, dass es eine Kinderbetreuung gibt, dass keine Sachgeschenke erwünscht sind oder das ein Hochzeitstisch errichtet ist, mit den Dingen die das Brautpaar benötigt.


Das gehört letztendlich auf die Hochzeitseinladung


Neben den Antworten auf die fuenf W-Fragen sollte der Einladung klar zu entnehmen sein, dass es sich um eine Einladung zur Hochzeit handelt. Das kann in verschiedenen Arten geschehen:


Klassisch: mit „Hochzeitseinladung“, „Wir heiraten“ oder „Wir geben uns das Ja-Wort“

Individuell: In dem Fall stehen auf der Vorderseite die Namen des Brautpaares und ein Hochzeitslogo.


Wichtig ist bei der individuellen Gestaltung, dass die Namen herausstechen und daher etwas größer geschrieben sind. Auf der Vorderseite kann dann auch stehen, wann der Hochzeitstermin ist, der ebenfalls hervorsticht.


Alle weiteren Informationen stehen dann in der Innenseite der Karte. Dort wird in der Regel nochmals das Datum der Hochzeit aufgegriffen zusammen mit der Uhrzeit des Beginns der Veranstaltung. Zudem sollte ersichtlich sein, ob es sich um eine standesamtliche, Kirchliche oder freie Trauung handelt. In der ersten Zeile sollte die jeweilige Location stehen. Dabei kann es sich um den Namen:


  • des Standesamtes,
  • der Kirche,
  • des Hotels,
  • oder einer anderen Adresse handeln. Im Anschluss erfolgt die komplette Adresse der Location.


Findet die anschließende Hochzeitsfeier in einer anderen Location statt, dann sollte das mit der Adresse ebenfalls auf der Hochzeitseinladung stehen. So wissen die Gäste das es einen Locationwechsel gibt, und wird sich darauf einstellen.


Für weitere Informationen Hier erfahren Sie es
By Michael Smith 03 May, 2021

Vous en avez marre de chercher des filles pour faire l’ amour au téléphone  ? Le sexe au téléphone vous procure du plaisir, mais vous ne trouvez pas le bon numéro pour prendre votre pied ? Sur Tél rose France, nous avons sélectionné pour vous les meilleures coquines françaises qui font du sexe à distance. Surtout qu’en ce moment, avec la pandémie de covid19, les rencontres sont dangereuses. Le tél rose amateur est LA solution idéale pour continuer à vivre ses fantasmes et s’émoustiller tout en respectant les gestes barrières. Chaque fille a sa propre fiche où elle explique un peu son parcours, ses envies, ses fantasmes et ses pratiques. Certaines n’acceptent de faire jouir que les hommes alors que d’autres font du Sexe Au Téléphone avec des femmes et des couples. Pensez bien à lire la fiche de la personne avant de l’appeler.

Certaines ont également des webcams pour se montrer pendant que vous vous branlez au téléphone avec elles. Voir la personne permet de créer un lien et renforcer l’état d’excitation. Toutes ne le font pas, là encore, merci de bien lire les fiches des hôtesses avant de les appeler. Une des idées reçues du téléphone rose webcam , c’est que ça coute cher. La durée moyenne d’un appel est de 7 minutes. Au final, vous pouvez pour moins de 5 euros, faire l’amour au téléphone avec une femme française, sans sortir de chez vous, en toute discrétion et sans risque d’attraper le coronavirus ou toute autre maladie sexuelles. Le tél rose a explosé pendant le confinement et sur Tél rose France, nous avons les meilleures coquines de France prêtes pour vous faire jouir à distance. Venez vite !

By Michael Smith 10 Apr, 2021

As we are living in the 21st century, we can expect everything to be hi-tech and time saving. Today, we are blessed with many innovative things, which are not saving our time, and money, but our efforts as well. Here, we will talk about such amazing thing, which is here to provide high quality service, which we need the most to perform our work.

Before we talk more on the same, we should know more about Renewable energy along with its importance. You must know that renewable energy is good for the planet and for people, hence we should know more about the same. This is a form of energy, which is derived from natural resources that replenish themselves in less than a human lifetime without depleting the planet’s resources. These resources can be from sunlight to wind, rain, tides, waves, and many more other things, which we should use in a right manner.

If you want to make the best use of the same, you must try solar battery, which will help you to save your money for years. Yes, such battery system stores surplus solar power, which can be used anytime and in any manner. The solar battery extends the use of a PV-system’s generated energy, which will be enough to provide free, sustainable power even when the sun is not shining and the panels don’t produce energy. If you are serious for the same, you better visit to the Renewable energy contractor and they will install everything at your property so that you can make most of the same. As you are using the solar energy, it will increase self-consumption, the electricity costs decrease significantly, hence you don’t need to worry about paying anything for the electricity. Just a onetime investment and you will be happy with the results Soalr battery.

By Michael Smith 10 Apr, 2021

Is your home or office is occupied with unwanted guests? Well, those creepy and awful pests and animals can make our life hell. They won’t only scare you all the time, but at the same time can affect your health and wellness as well as will damage your valuable belongings. Do you want to live like this? If not, then immediately call to the right and reliable pest control service provider will provide you quality services.

If you find a lot of insects in your home, try not to let them take over your home by calling the reliable professionals who will manage your entire property without any hassle. As experts very well know how to begin with, have the best tools and chemicals, hence you can completely trust on them for removing pests completely. It is very critical to keep bugs out of your home the entire year that is the reason why you should call pest control Woodbridge to free your home from bugs all year around. Consider the best service provider and get ready to receive guaranteed results due to our professional quality assurance policy that forms a solid ground for our high level of efficiency.

If you are hell irritated from the bugs, mice, birds, snakes or other various forms of pests, just talk to the pest control mississauga and they will strive to work up to their own high standards by improving the tools and technology. Just share what you want and you will get a complete bug free property will make you feel so happy, health and peaceful.

The suggested pest control brampton , you can expect full pest control service along with the 24/7 support, accurate estimates, expert technicians, and lots more other benefits will make your property pests’ free.


By Michael Smith 10 Apr, 2021

Pest control service is highly important, if you are suspected that your house is full of unwanted guests. Any single trace of the pest means they are planning to raid your property; hence it is highly important to immediately call to the professionals.

Call the experts and they will provide you a new level of protection for your most valuable assets. Pests are not good for anything as they won’t only affect your property, valuable items, but at the same time, they can affect your health and wellness. Their bite on your food materials or directly on your body will cost you a lot; hence you should talk to the experts for quick Pest Control Perth services.

Don’t be panic, if you find your house full of pests and immediately call to the professionals as they have the best solutions will eradicate such pests in the shortest possible of time. Luckily, the risk of major damage can now be controlled and for that only experts to be called. They have great solutions to eliminate these pests and that is by not affecting humans and pets. Call someone who has years of experience, and has kept hundreds of thousands of homes safe from termites without a single product failure. The experts will be taking that best available protection to a new, higher level of security and convenience so that only pests can be affected not you and your family.

If you really think that your property needs a pest control service, you must go with the professional pest control services you can rely on. They won’t only give you the best results, but at the same time won’t waste your time and money. If next time, you need pest control service in Perth, call to the recommended source and it will provide you a safe, effective and fast solution to remove pests from your property completely.

By Michael Smith 10 Apr, 2021

A property with unwanted pests and other animals won’t only affect our health and peace, but at the same time, our valuable items will be damaged by their bites. If you are not ready to take all such pain and issues, forget DIY and other solutions and just go with the reliable pest control service provide to eradicated everything Pest control Brampton.

No matter what kind of pests are in your home, the good news is, you can actually get rid of the same and that is without taking so long. Such call to the best Pest control Brampton, and you will find everything so well and in a right manner. Professionals will be there to help you with the best pest control service, which will only affect such pests, but not you, your family or employees and your pets. The experts ensure to work professionally for your property so that nothing is disturbed and damaged.

For any kind of pests’ eradication, you must go with the Pest Control THORNHILL as they are committed to provide high quality pests control services to make you happy and satisfied always. Hire them and they will be ready to provide best-in-class, proactive care solutions to protect the moments that make your home or business free of worry. It is very important to call the professionals immediately by the time you start seeing pests inside your home. If they are not stopped timely, they will surely create a bigger problem.

Don’t worry as you are not alone in your journey as there are many homes and businesses looking for pest control service and there is no shame or fear in the same. Just talk to the Pest Control Vaughan and they will be on the mission to kill the bugs inside won’t keep more insects from coming in.

By Michael Smith 10 Apr, 2021

Would you like to enjoy the finest meal of your life? You better find the best restaurant near you and get started with the best dishes will make your day. No matter, whether you don’t have time to cook or if you want to spend a great day with a great meal or it is a great food time with friends, you always look for the best restaurant.

Make a great list of the restaurant and you can easily fulfil your cravings. Undoubtedly, the food business is very popular and there are numerous restaurants we can easily see in the market, but when it comes to hygiene, taste and good price, you must look for reliable service provider. What about the best Chicken sandwich , you have ever had before? Forget all and try out the suggested restaurant will provide you ultimate taste at the best price. The suggested source is the best of all as it provides everything which a food lover is looking for, hence go for it to make your day the best.

If you are seeking for Food near me , try out the suggested one and you will forget everything. As this doesn’t only provide good food, but taste as well, which you will love forever. Enjoy the best Chicken sandwich takeaway or you can place an order to deliver everything to your home without investing a lot. Enter your delivery address and browse the best food which you can eat to meet your all cravings. Don’t forget to compare menus, ratings and prices to help make your selection, which will help you to have the best food on your plate. If you are seeking to Deliver food to your office or home, just visit to the website, select the menu, add address and get the fastest delivery will provide you ultimate level of peace.

By Michael Smith 10 Apr, 2021

Are you seeking for the best construction company for your commercial project? Well, as this can be a matter of huge investment and responsibility, thus, you should opt only the reliable and great company ahead. What if you are seeking for dam building? You will require so specialized, experienced and talented professionals who actually know how to build up great dams, as well as they must have the best tools and equipments ready dam builder Mornington peninsula.

If you are seeking for quick help and support, you better find the best dam excavation Mornington peninsula and rest of the things will be done by them. The professionals are the best as they ensure to perform work safely and without damaging the nature. By hiring the professionals you can expect high quality excavation services so that your dam can easily be built and provide the best services to the public. As such project is too big, hence you better don’t take any chance and call only the experts.

For hiring dam builder Mornington peninsula, you can try out the suggested source who will provide a reliable solution for clients on their next dam construction project. Opt them and have great services are efficient to meet deadlines as well as cost-effective to keep within your budget. Talk to those who have many years of real-world experience ranging from simple earthmoving jobs to complex earthmoving jobs and you will find your job in done in no time. When you work with the suggested dam construction Mornington peninsula , you will get all happiness and peace as they very well know how to perform work carefully and without damaging anything. Their years of experience give them the capability to handle the more difficult dam construction projects that other companies simply struggle to perform. You can trust on the same, which is fully licensed and accredited with all current safe work practices to maintain the safety and integrity of your project.

By Michael Smith 10 Apr, 2021

The whole world is enjoying great inventions which have made our lives easier. And, we should continually using the same, if we want to earn great amount of peace, happiness and satisfaction.

Here, we are going to talk about some of the best machines, which are amazing to go with and one should definitely have for home and for their stores. We are starting with the Tattoo removal laser machine , which is very effective to remove any kind of temporary to permanent tattoo in no time and safely. If you need this for your business, consider the suggested source will provide you a complete review about the best machine, which you should have. Get details about the Dana Magnum Tattoo Removal Laser Machines, which is easy to operate and provide great treatment. Over there, you can get a complete detail along with the full specifications and price.

Aside this, if you are seeking for LED Light Therapy Machine for your salon, you can expect getting the best deal online. Check and compare every machine online and end up buying an innovative product from the suggested source at the lower prices. Such LED light therapy is the best for all skin treatments without any pain and issues. It improves fine lines and wrinkles as well as provides great bounce on the skin. If you are interested in buying the same, you better check the specification online along with the price.

Apart from this, if you are seeking for any other cosmetic machine for your salon, you must rely on the suggested Beauty equipment supplier , who will provide great suggestions on great machines. You can check complete information over there, which will help you to select the innovative machines to meet your requirements. Also, you can expect getting everything at highly competitive prices.

By Michael Smith 10 Apr, 2021

Are you seeking for the best sunglasses not just to make you look cool, but also protect your eyes from harmful sunrays? You always look for quality sunglasses instead buying low-quality and fake sunglasses.

For a high-end protection of your eyes, you must wear UV protection sunglasses. They are the one very effective; hence you can wear it anytime and stay comfortable no matter how bright the sun shine is. If you are seeking for quality sunglasses, try out the suggested source, which is known to sell quality sunglasses online at the best prices. Go over there to find perfect protection glasses, and for that you better thanks to maximum adaptability.

Over there, one can find different types of sunglasses and for all kinds of people. Whether you want sunglasses for young adults or for anybody else, shop anything fearlessly online without investing a lot and it will look cool on your face. Whenever you go out, you must plan to take your sunglasses with you every time to protect your eyes and for that you must have quality sunglasses.

The best part is, now we can expect customized our sunglasses as per our choice and budget. Do you know about the Sunglasses you can design for you? Yes, this is very much possible and suggested source will give you a complete facility to do so. You can finalize the frame of your choice, the lenses, color and everything else, so that you get what you want. Also, you can have a new look everyday, which can be designed by you. So, what are you waiting for? Get ready to have fun eyewear designed by you, will surely be very comfortable and amazing. Also, everything will be delivered to you on your doors, hence go for it and protect your eyes.

By Michael Smith 10 Apr, 2021

Would you like to be a part of the best sports community can help you to have fun by playing all your favourite games as well as to earn money? Well, online betting is very popular and today it is played by everyone not just to have fun, but money as well. If you are seeking for quality time or a perfect break from your busy schedule, you can expect moving up with the right toto site and check how it will take your experience to another level.

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Yes, this is very much possible and for that you always look for a reliable source can provide you high quality services and full privacy to security. Even, you can find various categories of sports betting along with various facilities and options will provide you a great peace of mind and happiness. So, go up with the best online betting source and you will get an opportunity to have a great fun and money.

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